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SQL error center

This topic lists known common errors to help you locate, diagnose, and fix errors based on the error message.

Common errors

Error messageDescription
logstore * does not existThe Logstore that you query does not exist.
logstore without index configNo indexes are configured for the Logstore that you query.
Too many queued queriesThe number of concurrent SQL queries exceeds the upper limit.
duplicate column conflictsAn index field configuration conflict occurs.
Column '*' no longer exists or type mismatchAn index field error occurs.
key ('*') is not config as numberic columnThe specified index field is not of the NUMERIC type.
key ('*') is not config as key value configThe index field value is not of the configured type.

Permission errors

Error messageDescription
AccessKeyId is disabledThe AccessKey pair does not have sufficient permissions.
AccessKeyId not foundThe AccessKey pair is not found.
The security token you provided has expiredThe security token has expired.
denied by sts or ramInsufficient Security Token Service (STS) or Resource Access Management (RAM) permissions are granted.

SQL syntax errors

Error messageDescription
you are using nested sql, please specify FROM LOGSTORE in the innermost sqlThe innermost layer of nested subqueries must contain FROM log.
mismatched input '*' expecting ...The input contains unexpected characters.
IN value and list items must be the same type: varcharThe values in the IN clause and the list items must be of the same data type VARCHAR.
Unexpected parameters (bigint) for function url_decode. Expected: url_decode(varchar(x))The data type of an input parameter of a function is invalid.
'*' cannot be applied to bigint, varchar(#)An operator fails to be applied between data of different types.
target of repeat operator is not specifiedThe target of the repeat operator is not specified.
extraneous input '*' expecting ...The SQL input contains extra information x, which is expected to be y.
Can not cast '*' to DOUBLEType conversion error: The asterisk (*) fails to be converted to the DOUBLE type.
Can not cast '*' to INTType conversion error: The asterisk (*) fails to be converted to the INT type.
NULL values are not allowed on the probe side of SemiJoin operator. See the query plan for details.Null values are not allowed on the probe side of the SemiJoin operator. 值
Array subscript out of boundsThe array subscript is out of bounds.
Expression "*" is not of type ROWThe "x" expression is not of the ROW type.
identifiers must not contain '*'An identifier must not contain specific characters.
identifiers must not start with a digit; surround the identifier with double quotesAn identifier must not start with a digit.
no viable alternative at input '*'The input may be incomplete before the SQL statement ends.
Duplicate keys (version) are not allowedDuplicate keys are not allowed.
Key-value delimiter must appear exactly once in each entry. Bad input: '*'The key-value delimiter must appear only once in each entry.
Pattern has # groups. Cannot access group #The regular expression cannot access the specified group.
ts_compare must gropu by timestamp,your grouping by type is :bigintThe ts_compare function must group data by timestamp.组
time # is out of specified time rangeThe timestamp is out of the specified time range.
ROW comparison not supported for fields with null elementsROW comparison is not supported for fields whose values are null.
The specified key does not exist.Failed to access an Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket because the specified key does not exist.
reading data with pagination only allow reading max #The maximum number of rows per page must not exceed 1,000,000.
Could not choose a best candidate operator. Explicit type casts must be added.The system fails to select the best candidate operator. Explicit type conversion must be added.
Function * not registeredThe specified function does not exist.
SQL array indices start at 1The array index in SQL must start from 1.
Index must be greater than zeroThe index must start from 1.
All COALESCE operands must be the same type: *All parameters in the COALESCE function must be of the same type.
Multiple columns returned by subquery are not yet supported.Scalar queries are not allowed to return multiple columns.
GROUP BY clause cannot contain aggregations or window functionsThe GROUP BY clause must not contain aggregate or window functions.
WHERE clause cannot contain aggregations or window functionsThe WHERE clause must not contain aggregate or window functions.
Left side of LIKE expression must evaluate to a varchar (actual: bigint)The LIKE expression expects VARCHAR on the left side, but gets BIGINT instead.
Left side of logical expression must evaluate to a boolean (actual: varchar)The logical expression expects BOOLEAN on the left side, but gets VARCHAR instead.
Right side of logical expression must evaluate to a boolean (actual: bigint)The logical expression expects BOOLEAN on the right side, but gets BIGINT instead.
Invalid JSON path: ...Invalid JSON access path.
output rows execeed 100000 rows, please refine your sqlThe output exceeds 100,000 rows.
max distinct num is:10, please use approx_distinctA single query can contain a maximum of 10 DISTINCT keywords.
Key not present in mapThe specified key does not exist in the map.