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Query logs in the console

Query logs by using SDK for Java

Maven dependency

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Sample code

public void doScan() throws LogException {
    Client cli = new Client("fill SLS endpoint here", "fill your accessKeyId here", "fill your accessKeySecret here");
    String project = "fill your SLS project here";
    String logstore = "fill your SLS logsotre here";
    int fromTime = 1671154200; // event-time, [from, to)
    int toTime = 1671154200 + 3600; // event-time, [from, to)
    String query = "Status:404 | where ErrorCode = 'ConsumerGroupNotExist'"; // No contextual fields are returned.
    // String query = "Status:404 | where ErrorCode = 'ConsumerGroupNotExist' | with_pack_meta"; // Contextual fields are returned.
    int totalCount = 0;
    boolean reverse = false; // Search from beginning to end.
    // boolean reverse = true; // Search from end to beginning.
    boolean forward = true;
    int offset = 0;
    while (true) {
        GetLogsResponse resp = cli.GetLogs(project, logstore, fromTime, toTime, "", query, 100, offset, reverse, forward, "mode=scan;");
        for (QueriedLog log : resp.getLogs()) {
        System.out.println("[response of this scan]\tbegin offset: " + resp.GetBeginOffset() + "\tend offset: " + resp.GetEndOffset() + "\tresult logs: " + resp.getLogs().size() + "\tis finished: " + resp.IsScanAll());
        totalCount += resp.getLogs().size();
        if (resp.IsScanAll()) {
        offset = forward ? (int)resp.GetEndOffset() : (int)resp.GetBeginOffset();
    System.out.println("totally scanned logs\t: " + totalCount);

Expected output:

[response of this scan]	begin offset: 0	end offset: 13659	result logs: 100	is finished: false
[response of this scan]	begin offset: 13659	end offset: 28999	result logs: 100	is finished: false
[response of this scan]	begin offset: 28999	end offset: 43476	result logs: 100	is finished: false
[response of this scan]	begin offset: 43476	end offset: 66376	result logs: 100	is finished: false
[response of this scan]	begin offset: 66376	end offset: 80627	result logs: 100	is finished: false
[response of this scan]	begin offset: 80627	end offset: 94962	result logs: 100	is finished: false
[response of this scan]	begin offset: 94962	end offset: 108820	result logs: 100	is finished: false
[response of this scan]	begin offset: 108820	end offset: 111960	result logs: 22	is finished: true
totally scanned logs	: 722

Contextual query

Scan syntax:{Index Search Query} | {Scan Query},logs with no contextual fields are returned.。

To obtain logs with contextual fields, you can use the following syntax: {Index Search Query} | {Scan Query} | with_pack_meta

Sample contextual fields::

__pack_meta__: 3|MTY3MTExNTcxMDM2ODE3ODE3NQ==|518|73
__tag__:__pack_id__: 7154B46F35F6D009-141

Q:With contextual fields of a log, how do I query the previous and next logs of the log in a raw log file?


SDK parameters

falsetrue0 or the endOffset returned in the last response endOffsetTurns page from the smaller timestamp to the larger timestamp
truetrue0 or the endOffset returned in the last response endOffsetTurns page from the larger timestamp to the smaller timestamp
falsefalseThe total number of logs hit by the index or the beginOffset returned in the last response beginOffsetTurns page from the larger timestamp to the smaller timestamp
truefalseThe total number of logs hit by the index or the beginOffset returned in the last response beginOffsetTurns page from the smaller timestamp to the larger timestamp

Q: How do I obtain the total number of logs hit by the index?

A: You can call the GetHistorgram operation in a search statement that is before the vertical bar (|). For example, you can call the operation in the Status:404 statement.