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Logtail Parse nanosecond-precision timestamps from raw logs when you use Logtail to collect logs

This topic describes how to parse nanosecond-precision timestamps from raw logs when you use Logtail to collect logs.


Logtail is installed on your server and a machine group that contains the server is created.

Note: To parse nanosecond-precision timestamps, Linux Logtail 1.8.0 or later is required.

File collection scenarios

ScenarioParsing method
Scenario 1: Parse delimiter logs
Sample Log:
2023.11.06-,10.10.*.*,"POST /PutData?Category=a a s d f&AccessKeyId=****************&Date=123&Topic=raw&Signature=123 HTTP/1.1",200,18204,aliyun-sdk-java
Use the delimiter parsing plug-in to parse delimiter logs and extract high-precision timestamps.2023.11.06-
Scenario 2: Use the extended processor to process JSON data and parse timestamps in the time format supported by strptimeUse the extended processor to process JSON data and parse timestamps in the time format supported by strptime. For example, you can use the processor_json plug-in to process JSON fields.
Scenario 3: Use the extended processor to process JSON data and parse timestamps in the time format supported by GoUse the extended processor to process JSON data and parse timestamps in the time format supported by Go. For example, you can use the processor_json plug-in to process JSON fields.

Scenario 1: Parse delimiter logs

Log parsing results

Test log

2023.11.06-,10.10.*.*,"POST /PutData?Category=YunOsAccountOpLog&AccessKeyId=****************&Date=Fri%2C%2028%20Jun%202013%2006%3A53%3A30%20GMT&Topic=raw&Signature=******************************** HTTP/1.1",200,18204,aliyun-sdk-java

Parsing results

Step 1: Configure advanced parameters for the log collection configuration

Set the EnableTimestampNanosecond parameter to true in the advanced parameters."EnableTimestampNanosecond":true.

  "EnableTimestampNanosecond": true

Step 2: Use the delimiter parsing plug-in to parse delimiters

Configure a configuration to parse logs in delimiter mode.(processor_parse_delimiter_native),For more information, see Parsing in delimiter mode

Step 3: Use the timestamp parsing plug-in to parse timestamps

You must configure a time format for the timestamp parsing plug-in. For example, if the time field parsed by the delimiter parsing plug-in is 2023.10.26-, the time conversion format must be set to %Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S.%f.%f %f indicates the fractional part of the second. The highest precision that is supported by the plug-in is the nanosecond.The time conversion format must be consistent with the format of timestamps in the raw logs. For more information, see the Commonly used time formats in logs section of the "Time formats" topic. For more information about the configuration of the plug-in, see Time parsing.

Scenario 2: Use the extended processor to process JSON data and parse timestamps in the time format supported by strptime

Log parsing results

Raw logs:

  "asctime": "2023-10-25 23:51:10,199999999",
  "filename": "",
  "levelname": "INFO",
  "lineno": 51,
  "module": "generate_data",
  "message": "{\"no\": 14, \"inner_loop\": 166, \"loop\": 27451, \"uuid\": \"9be98c29-22c7-40a1-b7ed-29ae6c8367af\"}",
  "threadName": "MainThread"

Step 1: Configure advanced parameters for the log collection configuration

Set the EnableTimestampNanosecond parameter to true in the advanced parameters.

Step 2: Use the processor_json plug-in to process JSON fields

Configure a configuration to process JSON data. For more information, see Expand JSON fields.

Step 3: Use the timestamp parsing plug-in to parse timestamps in the time format supported by strptime

You must configure a time format for the timestamp parsing plug-in. For example, if the asctime field in the raw logs is 2022-04-29 21:37:40,251, the time conversion format must be set to %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%f. %f indicates the fractional part of the second. The highest precision that is supported by the plug-in is the nanosecond.The time conversion format must be consistent with the format of timestamps in the raw logs. For more information, see the Commonly used time formats in logs section of the "Time formats" topic. For more information about the configuration of the plug-in, see the Time format supported by strptime section of the "Extract log time" topic.

Scenario 3: Use the extended processor to process JSON data and parse timestamps in the time format supported by Go

Log parsing results

  "asctime": "2023-10-26 00:15:10,199999999",
  "filename": "",
  "levelname": "INFO",
  "lineno": 51,
  "module": "generate_data",
  "message": "{\"no\": 14, \"inner_loop\": 166, \"loop\": 27451, \"uuid\": \"9be98c29-22c7-40a1-b7ed-29ae6c8367af\"}",
  "threadName": "MainThread"

Step 1: Configure advanced parameters for the log collection configuration

Set the EnableTimestampNanosecond parameter to true in the advanced parameters.

Step 2: Use the processor_json plug-in to process JSON fields

Configure a configuration to process JSON data. For more information, see [Expand JSON fields].

Step 3: Use the timestamp parsing plug-in to parse timestamps in the time format supported by Go

The time format of the plug-in must be configured based on the time format specification of Golang.The timestamps are not parsed in the %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S format.The timestamps are parsed in the format that is consistent with the time when Go was created, which is 2006-01-02 15:04:05 -0700 MST.

For example, 2023-10-25 01:36:10,199999999 is parsed in the format of 2006-01-02 15:04:05,999999999.

The following sample code provides examples of the time formats supported by Golang:

const (
    Layout      = "01/02 03:04:05PM '06 -0700" // The reference time, in numerical order.
    ANSIC       = "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006"
    UnixDate    = "Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 MST 2006"
    RubyDate    = "Mon Jan 02 15:04:05 -0700 2006"
    RFC822      = "02 Jan 06 15:04 MST"
    RFC822Z     = "02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700" // RFC822 with numeric zone
    RFC850      = "Monday, 02-Jan-06 15:04:05 MST"
    RFC1123     = "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST"
    RFC1123Z    = "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700" // RFC1123 with numeric zone
    RFC3339     = "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
    RFC3339Nano = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00"
    Kitchen     = "3:04PM"
    // Handy time stamps.
    Stamp      = "Jan _2 15:04:05"
    StampMilli = "Jan _2 15:04:05.000"
    StampMicro = "Jan _2 15:04:05.000000"
    StampNano  = "Jan _2 15:04:05.000000000"

For more information about the configuration of the plug-in, see the Time format supported by Go section of the "Extract log time" topic.

Stdout and Stderr Collection

This section describes how to parse timestamps in Stdout and Stderr Collection

Scenario 1: Parse the nanosecond-precision timestamps of standard output logs that are collected from containers

Log parsing results

Step 1: Create a collection configuration to collect standard output logs from a Docker container

Step 2: Configure advanced parameters for the log collection configuration

Set the enable_precise_timestamp parameter to true in the advanced configurations. "enable_timestamp_nanosecond": true

  "enable_timestamp_nanosecond": true

Step 3: Use the timestamp parsing plug-in to parse timestamps in the time format supported by Go

Scenario 2: Parse the nanosecond-precision timestamps of the JSON fields as log timestamps

Log parsing results

  "asctime": "2023-10-25 01:36:10,199999999",
  "filename": "",
  "levelname": "INFO",
  "lineno": 51,
  "module": "generate_data",
  "message": "{\"no\": 14, \"inner_loop\": 166, \"loop\": 27451, \"uuid\": \"9be98c29-22c7-40a1-b7ed-29ae6c8367af\"}",
  "threadName": "MainThread"

The value of the asctime field is consistent with the log timestamp.

Step 1: Create a collection configuration to collect standard output logs from a Docker container

The configuration is the same as that in Step 1 of Scenario 1.

Step 2: Configure advanced parameters for the log collection configuration

The configuration is the same as that in Step 2 of Scenario 1.

Step 3: Use the processor_json plug-in to parse JSON data.

Step 4: Use the timestamp parsing plug-in to parse timestamps in the time format supported by strptime